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Where is the Power?

Faith Restoration Ministries & Shekinah Theo. College

Where is the Power?

Matthew 20:29-34

Jesus was confronted by two blind men who asked that they would receive their sight. Blindness refers to the inability to see to avoid falling into ditches. These can be anything. When we think of the world, there is darkness all around us because the church has sold itself to worldliness so that it is unable to help the sin-sick soul. The church has been given power to confront and cast out demons, and to heal the sick. Unfortunately, this is not happening because emphasis is on money and numbers, rather than preaching of the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ.

There is no time like the present!

It is time for the church to return to teaching and preaching the gospel as it was given to us so that we can continue with the work of saving and healing sick souls. Too much emphasis is placed on numbers and money. These have smothered or erased the power we once held as the witnesses of Jesus Christ in the world. It is time for repentance.


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