college school
Reaching the World for Christ
What does the Word Say?
Shekinah Theological College
STC is an online Christian Education Institution with a mission to reach the world for Christ

Our theme is -
What Does the Word Say?
call us at 678.964.4096

About Us
Reaching the World for Christ

STC is an online Christian Institution, preparing men and women to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ with studies for degrees and certificates. Those who transfer from another institution or who have applicable credits will be acknowledged. Programs are specifically selected and designed to develop knowledge of the Word, to learn skills for better interpersonal relationships, and to deal with problems with a study of Conflict Management.
However, some programs are arranged whereby participants do not have to spend long time reading, but all requirements must be diligently completed before a certificate is granted.
The main focus at STC is helping students to become successful and strong in their walk with the Lord, and to be effective disciples for Him. STC is a ministry of Faith Restoration Ministries International.

You can fulfill your spiritual vocation here at STC with online study.
If you were you called by God to be a minister of the gospel, you will need a sturdy Scriptural foundation. Here at STC our main aim is to prepare students and help them gain knowledge of the word through dedication and diligence. 2 Timothy 2:15, sums up our mission.
This is where you begin!
Learning the Bible Way
The Word of God is the main source of knowledge which is profitable to enrich students with wisdom that will enable them to fulfill the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:19-20
We study from the Bible because it teaches the
purpose for the Word of God.
All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
The influence of the Word is a demonstration of God's Power before mankind
For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Our Message
Our faith stands on the infallible Word of God, and by practicing what the Word says. This means being good examples and stewards of God’s love, grace, and mercy which He bestows on us all. We are an Online Bible Christian Institution preparing men and women as disciples for Christ to reach others for the Kingdom of God. If you were called into ministry or maybe you only desire to study the Word, Shekinah can be your final stop. If you desire to study the Word and know about the Christian faith, you only need to call us, and we will assist you in your search for meaning and how to know God.

Our Aim
Success - Focus - Christian studies - Spiritual Growth -
Kingdom Building - Ministry - Leadership -
Christian Counselling from the Word of God.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Timoth 3:16-17
Our Focus
To be a Christ-centred, spirit-led institution for building the Kingdom of God as we take the gospel of Jesus Christ to people around the world by making disciples for Him. We purpose to prepare those who are serious about their calling, and whose aim is to do God’s will for their lives.
To teach and train counsellors how to show compassion towards the helpless and hurting in their times of need.
To motivate pastors to respond to conditions in their churches, and to help those persons in crises to be restored to spiritual and emotional health.
To teach ministers to help the emotionally wounded and afflicted [Isaiah 61:1-3].
To train counsellors to become mature in the gospel, and a helping hand to those who need spiritual guidance [Titus 2].
The aim of STC is to be unique, and not a prototype of any other institution. Our expectation is that the student will gain a comprehensive knowledge of the word which is based on the Christian Faith. The effort is to help him or her become a minister called by God, who is armed with acute spiritual perception and wisdom, which will penetrate problematic and challenging situations in a spiritual and practical manner.
Our hope is that all students will take away an experience which will draw him or her closer to the Lord.
We aim to help students acknowledge and demonstrate what the word says about God, life, and family.
For more information
Call us at 678 964-4096