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Reaching the World for Christ
What does the Word Say?
Shekinah Theological College
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What Does the Word Say?
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What is Love?
The natural man does not have the capacity to love another human being as himself. The reason is that the social order of the world has become toxic; emitting selfishness, violence, impatience, hatred, misunderstandings, malice, unkindness, and various forms of sinful behaviours expressed through the interactions with one another. With is fact in mind, who then cares about sincere love? Why bother to love since there is no guarantee that this will be returned in good measure?
The fact is that it would be inconceivable to think of loving someone who had hurt us. Despite how pious and godly we may think of ourselves; loving another person who has been cruel or in any way unkind is virtually impossible. We often avoid objectionable and abusive people. We do not include them in our social space, nor do we give them a moment’s thought. Yet God Who knows everything about us and all that goes on in our hearts, which are often expressed in unkind behaviours, attitudes, and emotions; took the time to love us. All that He asks is that we love Him in return through our love for others. Undeniably, to understand the meaning of love, we must know God and accept His Son Jesus Christ. In our sinful state, it is impossible to love one another as we ought.
The inability to love another human as himself occurred when man made the choice to disobey God. With this act of rebellion, man denied himself the initial privileges, which were meant for him to enjoy such as peace, quietude, harmony, love and to live in a sinless society. All this man gave up when he turned his back upon God, and went his own way. In his disobedience man chose a path from which we are still reaping the harvest.
Our lack of love and inconsideration towards one another can be summed up to be the result of disobedience. Very often it only takes one mishap for the declaration of love to be wiped clean, and hatred, malice, abuse, jealousy, and envy enter through the door causing emotional and social chaos.
In spite of our contrary expression of love towards one another, and insincerity towards God, His unconditional love towards mankind remains the same. The only difference is that He does not love sin and cannot behold it (Habakkuk 1:13). In addition, unlike mankind, God’s love is not based on situational or circumstantial events. He loves us whether we acknowledge it or not.
You may ask, “Why should a God who can do anything at any time take the time to love a fallen race such as mankind who has defied His laws and live only to please the self?” We will never understand the depth of God’s love toward us without accepting His Son Jesus Christ who gave His life for us on Calvary.
Despite all this, living in this cruel, sinful, and wicked world prohibits us the full understanding and fellowship with our God Who loves us with an everlasting love. While we continue to respond to the attractions and lusts in this world, we will still be on the edge of what could be a more harmonious and peaceful existence, because we do not know what it is to love.
The hindrance to our peaceful life and the ability to love, is the presence and activity of sin which nullifies all our desires to do that which is right. This is the reason why we are constantly in emotional turmoil and faced with fear of each other and the threat of being deceived. These are situations which keep us from sincere love because we do not trust one another. Some people are apprehensive even to shake hands with another person or to hug a stranger. This is the result of fear and lack of confidence in one another. In any case, we cannot love sincerely without faith. As the word says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6).
Consequently, if a stranger does not know the other, that person is taking a chance to accept the individual to take him or her into his confidence. Love must be felt in oneself before it can be shared with another. There must be trust and commitment from one to the other, as in the case of parents and children, husband and wife.
We now ask the question, "What is love?" How do we recognize it? What is the composition of love? How do we express love to convince the other person: child, parent, spouse, friend, or anyone that we do sincerely love him or her?
What is Love?
To answer this question, we must look at love from three perspectives. Firstly, we are to love God Who is love, and Who has a covenant relationship with us. The Word states: “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” (Deuteronomy 6:5). In fact, the concept “love” is a covenant relationship which means there is a connection binding the persons who are involved in the relationship.
God loves us not because we asked Him; but because He sees our need to be loved. This is an example of the agape expression of love which is benevolent, unconditional, and unrestrained. We did not have to do anything special nor did we request God’s love. Yet God loves us inspite of our disobedience towards Him.
(John 3:16-17), “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” This passage rightly declares the compassionate and unconditional love God has towards His creation.
Although we were not worthy of His love, still God looked beyond our sins and rebellion against His laws and saw our great need to be loved. We did nothing that was commendable to attract God’s love towards us. We were all sinners and condemned to die; but God loved us too much to give the devil his ultimate desire, which is that all men would die and go to hell with him.
Paul emphasized God’s love towards mankind in Romans 5:7-8, stating, “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”
Secondly, we have the responsibility to love God and to demonstrate this among one another, as the word says; “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:31b). You may ask, "How can anyone love God, whose existence seems questionable?" This reasoning could be because there are people who do not believe in the existence of God. There are also those who have a pre-determined understanding of what it means to love God. They demonstrate their love for inanimate things, and even animals rather than humans. They do not seek to know the true God Who made them to understand what it is to love.
Still, when we think of God, how can we love someone we have never seen, and cannot see with our natural eyes. How sure are we that God really exists? Although those questions and more may be relevant; if we have to wait to have God show Himself to individuals for them to believe and accept His existence, they will be disappointed. We do not need any particular evidence to convince us that God exists. God is real, and He made this world and everything that exists (Psalm 24). As we look all around us, we can see the majesty of God, His love and great power. As David said, “When we consider the heavens… What is man, that God takes such interest in Him” (Psalm 8). This does not change the fact that there are still those persons who do not believe in God’s existence.
If an individual does not believe in God’s existence, that person cannot acknowledge the love of God to love Him or others. It is even impossible to love himself without peace with God. You cannot love someone whom you do not know, trust or have a relationship. David in Psalm 14, responds to those who deny the existence of God; proving that nothing is new. People have denied God’s existence a long time ago; and still do in this generation. They say, away with Him! If there is no belief in the existence in God, how can a person love another?
Thirdly, another requirement is that we love others similar to the way we love ourselves (Mark 12:31). The truth is that we cannot love another person unless we acknowledge God’s love in our hearts. It is only when we can recognize that love, and see His mighty hand at work in our lives, and the world, will we be able to love Him, ourselves and others the way we ought to do. God’s love is placed in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. "And hope makes not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." (Romans 5:5). Therefore, in order to love one another effectively, we must have the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the first expression of our love towards God.
Our perception and demonstration of love towards each other is unreliable; and often based on practical and emotional experiences. We express our desires and affection through relationships with reservations, whether with family, work colleagues, or otherwise. If we are to understand love for one another; we must return to I Corinthians 13, which paints an interesting picture concerning love from which we can glean concepts to help us love God and one another. In the discourse on love, Paul reveals both negative and positive descriptions and prescriptions for sincere love towards one another. Those philosophical spiritual thoughts contain both moral and godly principles concerning the meaning of love. Nevertheless, how do we express love when we are in conflict with another person? Can we still love that person? What if that person is a former abusive spouse, close relative, or friend, who hurt us? Can we love that person to forgive from the heart? How do we show love so that it is felt as love?
When we say we love, can we also forgive a fault or offence that caused us great pain or disappointment? To even attempt, to give a response to “What is Love” we could say that love is the giving of oneself for others (Romans 5:6-8). Similar to what Jesus did, Who gave His life for us on Calvary.
The true expressions of love can only be demonstrated through the Holy Spirit, Who renews our sinful hearts and make us over into new creatures in Christ when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour (Romans 12:1-2; I Corinthians 5:17ff).
“And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” (Deuteronomy 6:5).
“Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:31b).
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