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Program Overview 

We invite you to come and Study the Bible with us online at 


Shekinah Theological College


Where teaching and application of the Word are our primary concerns. Our goal is to prepare disciples for Christ.

Our Theme is 

What Does the Word Say?


Fulfill your Calling with a degree earned at

Shekinah Theological College

Programs at STC are specifically selected and designed for those persons who desire to develop their knowledge of the Word. Students also learn skills for better interpersonal relationships to deal with problems through a study of Conflict Management course. The main focus at STC is helping students become successful and strong in their walk with the Lord, and to be effective individuals as we await His return. We are also concerned about those persons who are called into ministry and who are serious about developing intimacy with the Lord and wish to extend their knowledge of the Word to help others. Entry requires each student to produce evidence that he or she is interested in ministry and wants to move forward by attending STC. The reason is that our main purpose is to build the Kingdom of God and reaching the world for Christ. Consequently, all the courses at STC are particularly available to those who are interested in sharpening their knowledge of the Word through practical Christian teachings. 

Ministerial Certificate 


This type of program is very beneficial to those who are seeking ordination, Sunday School teachers, for weekend retreats, and other group settings. They are also ideal for anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of scriptural texts, to use references, and other tools pertaining to scriptural knowledge. 



Refresher Programs

The programs are carefully selected and constructed for those persons who wish to develop skills for better communication, interpersonal relationships, including other topics. The aim is to help participants develop acute awareness of themselves and understand the effect of their behaviour on their environment. The courses are arranged in a “nutshell” whereby participants do not have to spend long hours preparing or sitting for tests.​There is no excessive long hours of reading or attending sessions. However, this depends on the individual's knowledge of the subject and the purpose for the course. Programs are planned to fit individuals work schedule. ​ If you are interested in a short program, please complete the Contact form for more information or call us at 678.964.4096 [Text and Voice] 770.347.9812

 Refresher Courses


The duration of each program is arranged depending on the individual's knowledge of the subject, and the areas which need to be dealt with so that the best help is given to each person. There will be no need for unnecessary preparation where the weakness is only in one particular aspect which needs strengthening. The opportunities are open to those who have a desire for success. 

Why wait?
Apply today!

Your future in ministry begins here with an application to study at STC.
The decision is yours!

Frequently Asked Questions. 




What if I only need a refresher course in....

There are various types of packages to meet each student's need. If you do not see what you are looking for, let us know since all our programs are not advertised. If you do not see it, this is not an indication that we may not offer the particular course.

 "But I don't have all the tuition costs."

Why not at least complete the contact form and let us talk with you. Call us today or complete the contact form.

I don't see what I am looking for. Do you have .... program?

There are all kinds of program packages to meet specific needs. To avoid boring the reader, some of our programs are not listed. Programs are offered as required.

I began studying at ... college, will you accept my credits?

we accept credits from other institutions which match with what we are offering. However, until you call you will not know what is accepted.

Can I study from home, or do I have to travel?

All programs are online. No matter where you live, we can reach you. The technological age has made studying much easier than decades ago.

What if I can't pay all the cost for my tuition?

This is a problem which plague most students, and which prevent them from applying to a college for further studies. We believe that if God has called you, He will make the provision. You will not know until you call and speak with us!

I don't want to spend a lot of time studying, do you have short courses to help me understand the Scriptures better?

We can tailor your program to fit in with your schedule.

One of features of STC as a ministry, is that we go all out to help our students to fulfill their calling to the ministry.

If you have other questions which are not posted, please complete the Contact Form and we will return a response to you without delay.

You can begin a new day now by applying at STC to prepare yourself for ministry.

Are you still

Wondering about Tuition?

Students who study at STC will find that this is an affordable college where the main aim is to get them qualified rather than being burdened with high tuition costs.

However, you will only know by contacting us at

678 964-4096

The Journey begins here.

Programs are flexible and you can make your own selections depending on your calling and need.

Begin by calling



The decision to improve your knowledge of the Word will have immense value to your Christian walk and ministry. 

You can begin a new journey today.

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