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Christian Leadership

Jesus Christ is the greatest leader mankind has ever known. From His example, all spiritual leaders in any perspective, can learn effective leadership by starting with prayer before setting out on this journey as He did. Jesus began in this manner before planning or preparing His board with those who would work with Him (Luke 18:1). All leaders should emulate the leadership example of Jesus Christ. As the Son of God, Jesus did not usurp His authority, but showed us that we too must acknowledge our Father in Heaven in all that we do.  Similar to Jesus, Christian leaders should also initiate each role with prayer for God’s guidance and direction (Proverbs 3:5-6). Since Jesus began with prayer, then we should all follow His leadership example. Another important aspect is that as a leader, Jesus was forgiving, patient, kind; and He taught from His own lifestyle.

A synopsis of Christian Leadership

Spiritual leadership here refers to a particular system of beliefs and order set up by God to Whom the individual is accountable. That person must be willing to be led by the Holy Spirit with Christ-like attitudes, and who has a specific duty in the Body of Christ serving in the local church or any ministerial position, for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.


Christian, Spiritual, or Biblical leadership refers to a ministerial position or office in the church. The minister must be called by God to guide His people to a firm spiritual experience. With such an awesome responsibility, means that the position requires God's guidance through the Holy Spirit for instructions and teaching (Psalm 32:8). Therefore, the leader must have a teachable spirit, otherwise he or she will be shipwrecked either from pride or spiritual forces. Moses was taught by God, and Joshua was taught by Moses.

Another observation is that while the leader maybe called by God, that person needs training and preparation. There has to be understanding in leading people with different spiritual, personalities, needs, and temperament. 

The leader who has been called, anointed, and appointed must have a strong desire to be led before accepting that position. In any case, the one who is placing the individual into the position must also be led by the Holy Spirit to ensure this is the right person to choose (Acts 1:23-26; Acts 6:3-6; Exodus 31).

There are many questions to ask concerning one's ability for readiness, and willingness to see other perspectives. That person must have self-control even during the most trying situations when leading others (Galatians 5:23). Christian leadership is very demanding, and these are only some of the features which the student leader must be prepared to face when called by God to lead His people. With God's help, anyone called into this position will be able to conquer every foe, and overcome principalities with dependence upon the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).


Similar to all other undertakings, the leader must have a plan. Additionally, the sincere leader must pray for direction and guidance before setting out to take on the responsibility of leading God's people. This also includes being able to lead others and to teach them. Jesus taught His disciples and Paul taught Timothy and Titus, among other examples.

You will need a Plan

Where there (is) no vision, the people perish:
but he that keeps the law, happy is he. Proverbs 29:18

You will need People.
Where no counsel is, the people fall:
but in the multitude of counsellors (there is) safety

Proverbs 11:14​

Always pray for God's guidance

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Spritual Leadership

  1. For a leader to be successful, that person needs wisdom, guidance and help from others. "Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors, they are established." Proverbs 15:24.

  2. Moreover, one of the most significant indications of an effective spiritual leader is that he/she is a visionary, with the ability to delegate and motivate others for growth, positive interpersonal relationships, and harmony, especially in the Body of Christ.

  3. The leader must be willing to set examples before those whom he or she leads. Jesus was the perfect model for leadership, Who did not threaten, coerce or used guile. Instead, He prepared Himself with prayer and then called His followers. He gave each member of His group the opportunity to grow and excel. When anyone failed, He was forgiving with readiness to encourage and strengthen, so that no one would be lost. Everyone had an opportunity for personal growth.

  4. Jesus did not seek fame or wealth, but He demonstrated that the Kingdom of God was not about affluence or selfish endeavours, but for winning of the souls of men and seeking the lost. Jesus said in John 6:38 “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.”

  5. Anyone who is called by the Lord to be a leader must understand that this position is one of servanthood with total dependence upon the Holy Spirit for inspiration and guidance.

  6. Unless the leader understands and accepts these concepts and more, that person is not ready or was not called to lead souls to Christ.


 To lead by example,

the leader must begin with prayer for guidance from the Holy Spirit, and the Word.

The Holy Bible

The spiritual leader must always acknowledge his or her responsibilities when leading God's people. This requires readiness and willingness to follow the leadership of Jesus Christ Who set the example with readiness to teach those whom He led. This He did with simplicity and courage. The leader must also be prepared for kinds of situations. Spiritual leadership is an awesome calling.

Tell it to Jesus

The leader must be willing and competent to encourage others in their time of distress.

To have friends, you have to make yourself friendly

The leader must be prepared to minister to different ages as the occasion requires.

Bible study

Their must be readiness to teach others with patience and regard for different learning styles.

Students are free to select from the course content outlined for each level of competency with assistance from college personnel. Core program content and structure will be decided by the college. Consideration will be given to mature ministers with relevant experience in the Christian ministry. They must show excellent competency with delivery of the Word, scriptural understanding and application. Other life experience will be acknowledged based on the nature of the subjects for which they are related. There are times when some situations can in no way be accepted because of what they represent. Nevertheless, every effort will be given with due consideration for fairness with understanding and sensitivity. 

The Decision is yours

Students with adequate experience of leadership or who possess applicable credits will be given consideration concerning the duration and requirements for the course.

Some students will be given assistance based on their financial needs. Nevertheless, students are expected to be honest and fair concerning their situations.

Similar to all other institutions, no certificate of completion will be awarded until all financial commitments have been settled. 

By God’s grace, each student can have an excellent experience here at Shekinah Theological College.   Your journey begins today as you answer God's call upon your life. Do not delay.

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