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Reaching the World for Christ
What does the Word Say?
Shekinah Theological College
STC is an online Christian Education Institution with a mission to reach the world for Christ

Our theme is -
What Does the Word Say?
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Psalm 121
There are times in our lives when we have come to a junction and cannot go forward. We look on every hand and side for help, but there is no one to help us. In those times, we wonder if God even cares and whether He is listening to our prayers. The writer of this Psalm may have been in the same position where we sometimes see ourselves. Nevertheless, God is with us, and He cares about our every need. As we read the passage, it begins with a reflection on where this person was seeking help.
God is Our Helper
Verses 1, & 2 “My help comes from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”, tells us that although he looked to the hills, he knew that God was his only help. Humans cannot always help us in the time of need, but God is ever present and willing to help when we call upon Him in faith. When you are in trouble, perplexed with life, where do you look? Who is the first person do you look to for that immediate help? Does God have any place in your thoughts at such times? Do you take time to consider His power, love, mercy, and concern for you?
Do not Panic
The writer recognized how easily we can become anxious when we are in trouble. In verse 3, he said, “He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keeps thee will not slumber.” This tells us of God’s constant care and concern for us. God is always near and never far away. This is why we should not panic when things go wrong. Instead, we should hope in God and trust His wisdom to take us through all our distresses.
God is our Preserver
We need not panic because God is always with us and never sleeps [verses 4, 5 “Behold, he that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand”]. It is comforting to know that we can have complete trust and confidence in God, when we commit all our cares to Him. We can depend on God if we trust and rely on Him to guide us. As our Preserver, it means that God protects us and keeps us from falling into sin if we put our trust and confidence in Him. When we place ourselves under His control, He gives us total protection. Despite the fact that we will face dangers, persecution, and distress at times, God is still with us. He watches over us so that we go through trials and come out more than conquerors in His name. God’s watch over us will prevent us from falling into the enemy’s hands and under his control.
We must be willing to trust Him and obey His commandments. We cannot have His blessings if we disobey His word. Our obedience gives us peace, rest, hope, complete and constant protection from a God who loves and cares for us. God protects us 24 hours daily, and His eyes do not blink. He does not get weary and tired [verse 6 “The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night”]. At any hour of the day or night, God is watching and protecting us. We must believe this so that we will not be worried about anything, even when troubles and trials come our way [Philippians 4:6].
Nevertheless, we must be willing to trust Him and obey His commandments. We cannot have His blessings if we disobey His word. Our obedience gives us peace, rest, hope, complete and constant protection from a God who loves and cares for us. God protects us 24 hours daily, and His eyes do not blink. He does not get weary and tired [verse 6 “The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night”]. At any hour of the day or night, God is watching and protecting us. We must believe this so that we will not be worried about anything, even when troubles and trials come our way [Philippians 4:6].
God Protects our Mind
In verse 7, we read, “The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.” God will direct our passions, feelings, our heart, decision making, character and all things which pertain to our lives and welfare. God cares about us, and we should never worry about anything. When we worry, we breach God’s promise and make His character of care, and love seems weak.
We have Eternal Protection
God’s protection of us is not only for the temporary life here on earth, our going out and coming in; but for all eternity from this time forth, and even for evermore. Verse 8 reads, “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.” God’s protection of us is not only for the temporary life here on earth, our going out and coming in; but for all eternity from this time forth, and even for evermore. Verse 8 reads, “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”
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