college school
Reaching the World for Christ
What does the Word Say?
Shekinah Theological College
STC is an online Christian Education Institution with a mission to reach the world for Christ

Our theme is -
What Does the Word Say?
call us at 678.964.4096

This is where you begin your journey to success.

Applying to STC will be a decision which will mark the rest of your life. Whatever aims and aspirations, we must start somewhere. If God called you into ministry, then you have an obligation to respond to Him. Whatever you do, always seek His guidance concerning where, when, and how? Proverbs 3:5-6 is a good place to begin as you commit yourself to the Holy Spirit and ask for His direction. Keep in mind that God does not and cannot fail. His aim is to help you to fulfill His call upon your life.
Please complete the form below. Every application will be given considerable scrutiny for accuracy. All applications submitted to STC will be given due consideration, and replies will be sent within 30 days of receipt. Please Note that submission of this form is an indication of your signature.
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