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Faith Restoration Ministries & Shekinah Theo. College


As we approach the New Year, let us be mindful of what we believe, and from whom the message originated. Too many false religions are leading others away from God. Another important situation is the number of new Christian organizations which are popping up with leaders who themselves are godless and who do not care for the teachings of Jesus Christ. Apostasy will lead into eternity with the enemy.

Programs: Daily Prayer, @ 6:00 am Thursdays Prayer, Bible Study & Fasting @ 10:00 am Sundays: Worship @ 1:00 pm If you need prayer, call us.

II Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Apostasy is a warfare against the true church of Jesus Christ. It is against the doctrine, standards, and principles of Christianity. The aim is to move people away from the true gospel and to replace it with something which is more comfortable, and which does not need the Holy Spirit’s power.

The Spirit of Apostasy

All Programs are set at – EST If you would like to join us, Dial 678 964 4096


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