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Faith Restoration Ministries & Shekinah Theo. College


Programs: Daily Prayer, @ 6:00 am Thursdays Prayer, Bible Study & Fasting @ 10:00 am Sundays: Worship @ 1:00 pm If you need prayer, call us.

Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

As believers in Christ, whether young or mature, you must follow the word of God. Sin is a reproach to any person, family, or nation. If people continue to forget God surely His judgment will fall on sinners. If you do not know Christ, let today be the day when you give your heart to Him. Jesus is real, and His coming back is real and not a fairy tale. The Bible is evidence that the Word is true. Too many are believing the lie from the devil, whatever it represents. Sin will separate you from God in eternity. You have today, but you cannot be sure of tomorrow. Give your heart to the Lord today.

The Righteousness of God

All Programs are set at – EST If you would like to join us, Dial 678 964 4096


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