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Overview of Spiritual Leadership [1]

Faith Restoration Ministries & Shekinah Theo. College

Overview of Spiritual Leadership [1]


Spiritual leadership is a sacred trust God places in the hands of a believer to lead His people. This position must not be treated as any other types of leadership activity. Therefore, the spiritual leader must not seek to justify man, but to please God since He is the one who called, prepared, anointed, ordained, and appointed him into service. Nevertheless, he must keep in mind that faith in God; humility; obedience; and submissiveness to Him are essential characteristics and qualities for his success. That person must have integrity with a consciousness to be obedient to God’s principles for Christianity and leading His people. Leading God’s people is one of the most awesome responsibilities an individual will acquire.

Obviously, the person who has been called by God must be motivated with enthusiasm, drive, inspiration and purpose. The main focus is interest, because we are motivated by what interests us. Therefore, if there is no influence, the leader will not do anything, despite how important the situation might be since motivation refers to interest. Although the individual may be enthusiastic about an idea, it depends on whether he or she will pursue the call God has placed upon that life. Evidently, motivation is more than being propelled or driven. There must be the desire to pursue a dream, idea, or opportunity. One of the problems some leaders experience, even though they have been called, anointed, and appointed is that they lack motivation. We can identify two of those persons who are the man with the one talent (Matthew 15:14-30); and Cain (Genesis 4:1-14ff).

The Man with the One Talent

The Parable of the Ten Talents is more than a story, but one of motivation. It revealed the attitude of the three servants. Jesus spoke in parables to the world; but He always revealed the true meanings to His disciples [Matthew 13:11, Mark 4:11-12, Luke 8:10]. In this story we can see that two servants expressed motivation and showed their use of opportunity and the regard they had both for the employer and their position with him. They chose to work earnestly to please the one who selected them for their position. These two servants could have grumbled and set the talents aside since it was not theirs so why should they care. Nevertheless, they were willing to invest the employer’s money, rather than ignore his interest.

Of the three servants, one stood out from the other two. This servant was not willing to put forth the effort needed to invest the funds so that upon his employer’s return there would be a reasonable profit made for him. This is the behaviour some Christians display towards the gifts God has given them. They do not use it for the benefit of the ministry or even for the glory of God. Some make merchandise of the gift so that they can get rich and fill their pockets with money. This third servant was lazy, fretful, murmuring and complaining. In his mind he thought the employer was harsh and over-bearing to ask him to work hard to make a profit for him. Seemingly, the employer was asking too much from him. There are leaders who are in a similar position because they do not take the work of the Lord seriously.

The Story of Cain

In Genesis 4:1-7, we read of the story of Cain. It was his behaviour which brought forth the first conflict on earth. Cain was the first child for Adam and Eve. There came a time when Cain and his younger brother Abel offered up sacrifices to God. The Bible tells us that God accepted Abel’s sacrifice but rejected Cain’s. Does God show partiality? The reason why God rejected Cain was because of his attitude concerning the sacrifice he brought. Cain was selfish and did not give from his heart. He thought that God would accept anything he brought, and this is where many leaders and believers are making the mistake thinking that they can live any life and still be acceptable to God.

Paying tithes and giving gifts do not get us into the presence of the Lord, or into heaven. Our hearts must be right when we give to God [Ephesians 6:5-8]. Someone might say that Cain’s sacrifice was not accepted because it was not of blood; but this is not so. God accepts other types of sacrifices [Numbers 18:12]. It was the condition of Cain’s heart which was wrong, making his motive for sacrifice wrong. Therefore, God rejected it. Moreover, God desires and deserves the very best we have to give. He will not accept anything which is inferior [Malachi 1:6-8]. Give God the best that you have.

Although neither the man with the one talent nor Cain was an elected leader, the behaviour of each man showed the attitudes leaders can adapt when things do not please them. More to follow.

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