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Once Saved Always Saved? – 1

Faith Restoration Ministries & Shekinah Theo. College

Once Saved Always Saved? – 1 John 17

Shekinah Theological College is accepting new students.

Make this one of the best days of your life by signing up to study here at STC.

What does it mean to be saved? Is this a one-time, live any way you wish type of Christianity? I have been thinking about this, and I cannot see this teaching anywhere in the Bible that “Once saved always saved.” There has to be some form of conditions to remain holy and pleasing to the Lord. I am not “old fashioned” but there must be some standards concerning the way we dress, speak, behave, and communicate. Should there not be some way in which the world can identify us as Christians – being different?

Are you looking for a college to study the word? We recommend Shekinah Theological College. Affordable and reachable. Call – 678 964 4096 for an appointment. Leave your name and a time when you can be reached.

Have you made your decision about your calling to reach the world for Christ? Let today be the turning point in your life. Call us at 678 964 4096


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