Isaiah 42:8 I [am] the LORD: that [is] my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
We must remove the contrary things which clutter our lives and prevent the presence of God. God is holy, and His desire is that His people live lives which are acceptable unto Him according to His word. God will never share His presence with the idols of Baal, whatever those might be. If our lives are filled with sinfulness, and all kinds of contrary thoughts and behaviour the presence of God will most certainly depart as He did to King Saul. To maintain a life which is pleasing to God means we must live holy unto Him. Whatever things which are spiritually offensive to our God will block His presence from us. This is time for repentance and to make the departure from habitual sins and turn to a life of sanctification and holiness. Immediately after the people repented and chose God to be their God, the rain fell, and the drought ended so that seeds could grow again. God will not share His glory with Baal [Isaiah 42:8].