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Faith Restoration Ministries & Shekinah Theo. College


Programs: Daily Prayer, @ 6:00 am Thursdays Prayer, Bible Study & Fasting @ 10:00 am Sundays: Worship @ 1:00 pm

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

The depth of iniquities all over has passed proportionate measure. Even in the days when God destroyed the earth during the times of Noah and Lot, do not seem as terrible as we are experiencing today. There is a lack of reverence for God in the church community because they have invited the world systems to come in and take precedence over the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Surely there will be a price to pay!

Evil has Increased

All Programs are set at – EST If you would like to join us, Dial 678 964 4096


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