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Listen to My Testimony

Faith Restoration Ministries & Shekinah Theo. College


Take some time to listen to this testimony.

God is still speaking to mankind if we would only listen.

Minister Godwin shared his testimony and we hope this will encourage everyone who has not yet accepted the Lord.

God will hear your prayer, even when it is not audible. He knows what

is in your heart.

To listen to other messages from this brother click Messages

If you would like to join us on Sunday morning Worship, send us an email from the website or call 678 964 4096 [Text, voice], 770 347 8320 and leave us a message and we will send you the information.

Have a blessed day.

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For inspirational readings click Books Click Messages to listen to our programs

You are invited to join our Prayer line on Saturdays at 9:00 am EDT and Bible Study every Wednesday at 9:30 am & 7:00 pm for Prayer. For more information, Email Us or call and leave a message at 678 964 4096 [Text, Voice]


Shekinah Theological College [STC] is registered in the State of Georgia, USA. We received Religious Exemption from the Non-public Post-Secondary Education Commission.

STC is A Program of

Faith Restoration Ministries International

© 2020 Copyright Faith Restoration Ministries & Shekinah Theological College Inc. for online learning


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