Faith Restoration Ministries International [FRMI]
Phone: [678] 964-4096 - Text, Voice - [770] 347-8320 - Voice
We are reaching the World for Christ through Inspirational Books Prayer, Counselling, Teaching, Preaching, Discipleship and Teaching
Restoring lives from the inside out through the power of the Holy Spirit
Verse for the Day
For more information on
Shekinah Theological College and
Faith Restoration Ministries International
Please click the link below
What does the Word say?
Do you need a Counsellor?
Are you hurting?
God still heals the brokenhearted
Call 678 964 4096 or
770 347 8320
We Care About You
We are very thoughtful about those who come to us with their needs. People hurt in all kind of ways, and when they are in pain they need someone who will walk with them as they work through the trauma of their situation.
At Faith Restoration Ministries Counselling Services, we take the time to listen as you pour out your heart. We are not healers, but God works through us with the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about healing, change, and recovery with the response of the counselee.
We say we are not healers, but instead contributors or channels of healing. Healing takes three participants: the Holy Spirit Who gives discernment and wisdom, the counselee, and the counsellor.
Do not give up on yourself; with prayer and faith through the Holy Spirit,'s power, expect God to respond!
You have to begin somewhere
We Care About You

The Atmosphere of the Counselling Session Exudes Warmth.
This is a Faith-based Ministry, which depends on the integrity and support of Counselees.
If you need help then you will benefit from the professional and caring counselling of Faith Restoration Ministries Counselling Services.
We Listen

The Counsellor understands that everyone will face life-changing situations at some time during the course of a life-time.
Those times can be troublesome, awesome, unbearable, and we need someone to take us through the turmoil and distresses.
This is where Christian Counselling will prove invaluable.
We are Concerned

Why Should You Choose Pastoral Counselling?
The Counsellor will work with you to promote growth in your personal and spiritual life.
The Word of God is used with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to bring wholeness to those who are experiencing difficulty facing life's changes.